About this Blog

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This blog has been created by Luke and Cozette Stoddard as a place to share resources and feelings related to separating ourselves from an organized religion and embracing the ideology that there is probably no God(s) and that we are better off that way. The reason for sharing this is that we believe that this separation has enabled us to be better human beings that take accountability for our actions and value this life with no expectation for reward in an afterlife for doing so.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Letter to a Christian Nation

I recently finished reading Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. I have watched several lectures given by Sam Harris (on youtube and different websites) this past year and found him to be very bright and interesting to listen to.

This book was written in response to feedback he (Sam Harris) received following the publication of his first book The End of Faith (which I just started reading). The book is written in the form of an open letter to a Christian in the United States. Harris states that his aim is "to demolish the intellectual and moral pretensions of Christianity in its most committed forms."

This is a very easy and fast read. Most people could probably read it in less than 3 hours (even with some time for reflection). As a former Christian, I could relate as this book is written as a letter to a Christian. Knowing what I do of Christian faith, I could understand the view point of a Christian and also the points that Sam Harris brings up in this letter for consideration by this population. Really, this book was a shoulder shake for Christians and members of any religion. The message that I got from reading this is, "Wake up people! Before we destroy this wonderful nation we live in!" I want to give this book to every person that I know and care about. Watch out, you may get this for Christmas from me! ;) I love that he shares examples straight from the bible (with citation, so you can look it up yourself.) He is very clear as he follows his points with examples - which I thought was brilliant. I remember reading some of these stories from the Bible as a teenager and wondering, "What the hell was God thinking!!!" How was I to take the Bible as moral guidance when it was so obviously missing any or so outdated that is couldn't possibly relate to modern day? This book summarized many points that Richard Dawkins had brought up in The God Delusion and was a wonderful follow up book for me. This book was a great read and is worth owning. With this being such an easy and enlightening read, it would be sinful not to read it!

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